
Yoga & Naturopathy Hospital

Yoga & Naturopathy Hospital

Sunrise Naturopathy Hospital and Yoga Center is one of the best Naturopathy, Yoga and Meditation Center in Rajasthan and Accredited by National Accreditation Board for Hospital (NABH). The Center is run and managed by its visionary Promoters Dr. V. K. Agarwal (MBBS, DCH), Dr. Manju Agarwal (MBBS, DGO), Er. Aditya Agarwal (MBA) and Er. Deep Kamal Agarwal (IT) and experienced team of Naturopathy Doctors and Yoga Therapists.

Our Services


  • Massage Therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Acupressure
  • Aroma Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Mud Therapy


  • General Yoga
  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Aquatic Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga


  • Elakizhi
  • Kati Basti
  • Panchakarma
  • Pizhichil
  • Shirodhara
  • Udwarthanam

We Cure

The Science of Healthy Life

The Naturopathy, Yoga and Meditation Science

“All over the World people are becoming more conscious of their health and they do not want to just remain spectators and guineapig while receiving allopathic treatment for their body. They want that they should be given full knowledge of diseases and preventing system of medicine in the form of education of diet, yoga & meditation so that they should change their living style more towards nature”

“Here comes the Naturopathy & Ayurveda”

Naturopathy is a way of life to keep us healthy and wealthy by using nature’s agents to cure all diseases.

Naturopathy is a system of stimulating the body’s inherent power to regain health with the help of five great elements of nature – Earth, Water, Fire, Space & Air.  Naturopathy recognizes the existence of the vital curative forces within the body for self-constructing, self-healing and self-capability to remove toxins causing diseases from the body.  There are people who believe that body will cure naturally if it is given what truly heal the body i.e. Pure Diet, Pure Water, Fresh Air, Sunlight, Exercise, Yoga & Meditation.

A Naturopathy / Ayurvedic Doctor helps the people to understand the Natural way of living life by the following ways :

  • He advises not to use harmful substances such as toxins in the form of non-veg, smoking, alcohol, drugs etc.
  • He helps people/client to evaluate their life style, identify the cause of their diseases/problems and advises corrective action for them by giving practical as well as educational training.
  • He makes the people understand that the human body is consisting of physical, mental and spiritual forces and that one disease affects all areas of Body & Mind. He teaches the client to achieve a state of balance in all these forces and helps them to remain healthy and enjoy stress-free natural life.
  • He educates their client about use of various herbs and healing properties inherent in natural foods and natural substances.
  • Therefore, a Naturopathy Doctor in a true sense is a Doctor, who teaches the people about their Body, Mind & Soul.

Therefore, a Naturopathy Doctor in a true sense is a Doctor, who teaches the people about their Body, Mind & Soul.

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